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Home / WELLNESS / These are the supplements that you should not take together at any time.

These are the supplements that you should not take together at any time.

2023-05-31  Sophia Zackary

More than half of all adults in the United States consume some form of vitamin or dietary supplement regularly. Some dietary supplements promise to cover nutrient gaps in your diet and lifestyle, while others attempt to fight off deficiencies, lessen the risk of certain diseases, strengthen specific sections of your body, or boost your overall health. Depending on the supplement you take, the claims made may or may not be true.

Although taking supplements may have several positive effects on one's health, it is essential, according to industry professionals, to utilize them correctly and take into account the order in which they should be taken. Taking all of your supplements at once after a meal or at a given time of the day, for instance, can have an impact on their efficacy or absorption rates, or even produce harmful impacts on your health.

Danielle Crumble Smith, RDN, a certified registered dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching, told Verywell that certain supplements might interact with one other, resulting in diminished effectiveness, higher risk of adverse effects, or serious harm to your health. "Certain supplements can interact with each other,"

Other authorities believe that consumers should exercise extreme caution while using supplements, particularly given that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate them and the vast majority of them have not been subjected to extensive research.34

"Some supplements may have inconsistent ingredients and doses from batch to batch," Marilyn Tan, MD, a clinical associate professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, wrote Verywell in an email. Dr. Tan is board certified in endocrinology and internal medicine and is a clinical associate professor of medicine at Stanford University.

Tan stated that many times, manufacturers will make health claims about their products even though these claims have not been thoroughly researched in randomized controlled trials. In addition, even though they are regarded to be "natural," some dietary supplements nonetheless have the potential to cause harm.

If you already use dietary supplements or are thinking about adding them to your routine, the following is a list of potential drug interactions that you should watch out for and try to avoid.

Combinations of Supplements That May Harm Their Effectiveness

According to Crumble Smith, some dietary supplements shouldn't be used together since the efficiency of one supplement can reduce the efficacy of the other.

  • Calcium and iron are two supplements that should not be taken together for the same reason: calcium can inhibit the absorption of iron, and iron can frequently lose some of its potency when coupled with other meals. According to Crumble Smith, if you need to take dietary supplements for both calcium and iron, you should aim to space them out by at least two hours. It could be simpler to remember to take one in the morning and the other in the evening if you take them at different times of the day.
  • Zinc and copper are two supplements that compete for absorption in the body; therefore, taking both of them at the same time can impair the efficiency of each supplement. If you require both, search for a supplement that has a zinc-to-copper ratio that is balanced, or take the two separate supplements at various times of the day, at least two hours apart from each other.6
  • Magnesium and calcium: Taking both of these supplements at the same time can impair the efficiency of both of them because they can interfere with each other's absorption in the intestines when taken together. If you decide to take both, make sure to space them out throughout the day.7
  • Vitamin C and vitamin B12 are two supplements that, when taken together in high amounts, should be avoided. Vitamin C can reduce the amount of vitamin B12 that is absorbed and metabolized by the body, therefore taking vitamin C with vitamin B12 is not recommended. It is recommended that you take these vitamins at least two hours apart from one another, if not separately.8

It is essential to keep in mind that the sequence in which dietary supplements are consumed might have an impact on the efficiency with which the body absorbs them and the results they produce. In an email to Verywell, Mary Sabat, RDN, LD, who is also an ACE-certified trainer, shared her expertise as a registered dietitian nutritionist. For instance, the absorption of certain supplements, like calcium, is improved when they are taken in conjunction with meals, whereas the absorption of other supplements, like iron, is improved when they are taken on an empty stomach.

Combinations of dietary supplements that might be hazardous to your health

  • Vitamin C and iron: Vitamin C has been shown to improve the body's ability to absorb iron, which is something that can be considered beneficial. On the other hand, consuming large quantities of vitamin C might cause the body to store an excessive amount of it, which in turn raises the risk of iron toxicity. If you have to take both, the standard recommendation from medical professionals is to separate them by at least two hours.9
  • Vitamin D and calcium: Although it is common practice to recommend taking these two supplements together, doing so in excessive amounts can cause hypercalcemia, also known as an abnormally high level of calcium in the blood. This can make the likelihood of developing kidney stones or cardiac problems higher.10

What about powders that contain a variety of vitamins and supplements all in one serving?

Powders and other items that contain various supplements, such as protein powders, gummies, energy drinks, or bars, should also be given careful consideration, according to the recommendations of various authorities. According to Crumble Smith, this is the case because some of the components of these items might not get along very well with one another or might present potential health problems when coupled with other elements.

Some people, for instance, combine sports powders or caffeine with other ingredients such as ashwagandha and Rhodiola, which are herbs, stimulants, and supplements. The combination of these things has the potential to deliver a short-term increase in energy. However, there is a possibility that long-term use could be hazardous to one's health.

"Rhodiola is really common, and you'll see that in products combined with caffeine," said Crumble Smith. "The two go hand in hand a lot of the time." said. If this is something that people take regularly, it could put stress on their adrenal glands over the long run. People taking this medication could develop unwanted side effects such as anxiety, sleeplessness, or even heart palpitations.

Tan advised that before using any powder or supplement blend, consumers should carefully examine all of the active and inactive components of the product, as well as look for any relevant FDA warnings. If you are taking any kind of dietary supplement, whether it be a pill, a liquid, a powder, or a topical cream, you must let your healthcare practitioner know about it.

What You Should Know Before Beginning to Take Supplements

Before beginning to take any kind of supplement, it is strongly recommended that you speak with your primary care physician to discover which choices are optimal for your specific requirements. This is of utmost significance for individuals who already have one or more pre-existing medical disorders or who are already receiving treatment with medication.

"Supplements are wonderful, but they are not intended to take the place of a healthy diet, adequate sleep, or regular exercise," stated Crumble Smith. "If you want to take supplements, you should first take care of the fundamentals such as getting enough sleep, being hydrated, eating correctly, and exercising. The next step is to consult a medical professional or a nutritionist to identify any nutritional deficiencies that may be remedied by taking dietary supplements.

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2023-05-31  Sophia Zackary